Beauty is Pain?

07 Feb 2024

Is programming beautifully a painful experience? It is for something that wasn’t taught the importance of “coding standards” right from their start of coding. Having to rember how many spaces to indent, or whether you place the close-curly-brace on a new line by itself can be painful at times. But I do think that it actually helps an individual with promaming because not only does it make your code look nicer and easier to identify but it also makes it easier for another programmer to read what you wrote. One particular thing about coding standards that is helpful is in curly braces, brackets, and parentheses, because by adapting to the coding standards it is much easier for someone to see when you curly braces end, this is useful when you have a bunch of them.

After my first week of using ESLint with Intellij, I can say that it was both positive and negative. The positive is allows you to easily conform to the coding standard by the click of a button. But it is tedious when there are multiple reds just to implement a space or a new line. Getting the green checkmark is more painful and useful because it was very frustrating and tedious to get it, but it is rewarding when you get that green checkmark. In my opinion, getting that greencheckmark is like programming, frustrating when you are doing it, especially when there are errors, but rewarding when you accomplish it.

With that I will end with, that the use of ESLint in the end will make me a better prgoramer, because once I use ESLint a bunch, my mind will conform to the coding standards, so eventually, probably in the very far future, I potentially get that green checkmark right away and no red on my code. I am not entirely sure if using ESLint will help me learn a programming language but it will definitely make programming easier and more clear for myself and other programmers to see. Thus, overall, I had a generally good experience with ESLint because while it is frustrating now trying to conform to the coding standard, I know that it will help me become a better programmer in the future and it’s better to learning this now while we are still learning rather than once i’m in the field.