What's Next for Me?

17 Jan 2024

Within software engineering, I am primarily interested in the front-end aspect, particularly in web development. I really enjoy the aspect of being able to see the change made through code. The instant visual feedback is something that I find fascinating, which is why I don’t particularly enjoy backend development. Currently, I do not have much knowledge of software engineering, but I am excited to delve deeper into it through ICS 314. I hope that through this course, I will gain valuable skills that will help me in the future.

In the future, I hope to develop a versatile set of programming skills and learn various programming languages. My goal coming out of my undergraduate education is to gain a holistic education in computer science. I want to dabble in different fields of computer science and see which ones I enjoy and which I prefer not to do as my future career. I am excited about the opportunity to learn web development, UX, and software engineering. My goal is to find a particular field in computer science that I am passionate about for my future career.

In my professional career, I envision myself contributing meaningfully to the field of software engineering. While I am not entirely sure what field of computer science I am going to pursue. I think that I am definitely leaning towards more web development and user experience. In my professional career, I hope to continue learning and keeping up with the latest in technology and I think that my undergraduate education is definitely preparing me for that.

Overall, I am very interested in software engineering and learning more about it to see whether or not it is something I enjoy and potentially make a career out of it. I hope that I learn new programming languages and develop skills that will help me in this technological industry. I believe that ICS 314 will definitely play a part in my future through the new things I will learn and the skills I will develop.